

戏剧艺术课程提供主要舞台作品, 学生指导的独幕剧和高级项目. 剧院与 音乐系 一年四季都有大事发生.

戏剧艺术 students also have the opportunity to perform and technically assist a variety of theatrical productions throughout Salina. 与……结成伙伴关系 萨利纳社区剧院(SCT) 合作制作音乐舞台剧.


受过戏剧训练的毕业生具备雇主所追求的品质. 他们培养了良好的沟通和人际关系技巧, and they are experienced at working as members of a team toward a common goal. 在大学期间成功地面对困难的挑战, 戏剧专业的毕业生表现出积极向上的自信, 纪律严明,学得快吗. 戏剧专业的学生可以学习戏剧, 当然, but their experience in that field makes them valuable employees for any position.


  • 标志

沟通 & 戏剧艺术课程简介

THEA 100 Exploring Humanity through Theatre — 3 Credit Hours (Even Year Fall)

Introduction to the practice of theatre and the various curricular and program areas of the department. It includes 评论家al analysis and discussion of the theatre as an art form, 包括考虑剧作家的作用, 演员, 导演, 评论家, 设计师, 历史学家和剧院建筑师.

THEA 105舞台和银幕化妆- 1学时(点播)

The Makeup for Stage and Screen course engages students with a hands-on approach to learning the techniques of the application of makeup specific to the stage, 屏幕和摄影. They will work with their own makeup kits and have an opportunity to design and execute several applicable makeup projects. 将介绍化妆的色彩理论. Special attention will be given to safety and hygiene in the handling and storing of the tools and makeup.

THEA 106艺术概论- 3学时(点播)

这门课程包括各种艺术的跨学科研究, 包括音乐, 绘画, 剧院, 电影和其他. 它的目标是帮助学生提高理解能力, greater appreciation and 评论家al evaluation of works of art and aesthetic experience. 它是为所有学生设计的,而不仅仅是艺术专业的学生.

表演技巧- 3学时(偶数学年秋季)

Acting is the foundation upon which the tradition of the dramatic arts rests. 这门课程包括身体的训练, 声音和思想成为表演和戏剧艺术思维的工具. The training consists of acting exercises, 场景分析与表演.

THEA 115戏剧职业组合- 2学时(点播)

The Theatre Careers Portfolio course is designed to help students meet the current expectations of employers in the professional world of theatre. Subject matter will be tailored to meet the needs of the students enrolled in the course. Some of the topics that will be addressed include: identifying who you are and how to market your strengths, 图片和简历, 试镜和面试, 如何找工作, 网站, 数字提交, 工会, 合同, 代理和组网.

THEA 137 Oral Interpretation of Literature — 3 Credit Hours (Even Year Fall)

对散文进行分析, 诗歌和戏剧文学, 练习口头交流, both the intellectual and emotional meanings essential to the interpretation of literature.

剧场活动- 1-2学时(秋季) & 春天)

This course provides credit for activities accomplished outside the formal classes. 这些活动可能包括戏剧制作, 表演剧场管理等, 在咨询顾问后.

舞蹈技巧- 1-2学时(秋季) & 春天)

The Dance Technique provides credits for a variety of dance courses offered at the Salina Community Theater. The course includes musical theatre, jazz, tap, ballet and modern/contemporary dance. This course requires prior authorization by the Division Chair of Fine Arts to receive credit. This is a repeatable course, and students may take multiple sections during one semester.

THEA 205艺术管理- 3学时(偶数学年秋季)

This course will explore how to manage people and resources to maintain and grow an arts organization. Special emphasis will be placed on theatre management, but all of the arts will be explored. Topics may include selling a subscription season, fundraising and facilities management.

thea210表演技巧II - 3学时(按需)

如《十大赌博靠谱网络平台》, 表演技巧II涉及身体的训练, 声音和思想成为表演和戏剧艺术思维的工具, 但它强化并推进了这项工作. 学生将继续探索表演练习, 场景分析与表演, 但他们会钻研风格, 方言工作和其他技巧, 比如尤塔·哈根, 桑福德·迈斯纳和迈克尔·契诃夫.

THEA 215技术剧院- 3学时(单年度秋季)

This course is designed to introduce the student to the practical aspects of technical theatre, 包括建筑物业和风景, 风景油画, 照明, 声音, 服装的构造和生产的运行.

THEA 286专题-可变学分(按需)

THEA 290独立研究-可变学分(按需)

独立学习包括研究, reading or other scholarly investigation or creative work. See Independent Study under Alternative Credit Equivalencies for a more detailed description or contact the departmental faculty.

THEA 310 Directing in the Modern Theatre — 3 Credit Hours (Odd Year 春天)

这是对艺术的研究, 理论, 现代教育导播的角色与工艺, 社区或商业剧院. 前提条件:教师同意.

THEA 325戏剧历史 & 文学- 3学时(单年度秋季)

A survey of theatre history through the study of major dramatic works. The plays will be studied from both a historical context and a performance aspect.

THEA 326音乐剧史- 3学时(点播)

An overview of musical theatre history through the study of works and trends leading up to its emergence as a genre as well as its evolution into the art form it has become today. Musical theatre will be studied from a historical, cultural and performance context.

THEA 343 Principles of Stage Design — 3 Credit Hours (Odd Year 春天)

This is an introduction to design elements for the stage including set, light and costume design. If time permits, the course may include discussion about makeup and property design. Prerequisite: THEA 100*, COMM 140 (or THEA 140) and consent of the instructor.

戏剧主题350 - 3学时(点播)

可能的主题包括辩论, 先进的表演, 木偶剧院, 风景建筑与绘画, 导演古装剧, 声音和用词, 舞台灯光. 本课程可以在不同的字幕下重播以获得学分.

the386 The Wesleyan Journey - 1-6学时(点播)

本课程将服务学习与旅行结合起来, 国内或国外, to provide students an opportunity to strengthen values and abilities, 除了学习具体的学术内容. The service projects will be linked to the academic content of the class, and the course may require a co-requisite or stand-alone as its own special topics course. Credit varies based on the length of the journey and may involve additional fees for travel. Prerequisite: INTD 110 is recommended but not required for this course.

THEA 404高级项目- 3学时(按需)

All speech and theatre majors are required to complete a special project. 建议的指导项目包括指导一部作品, 写剧本, 设计一个产品, 表演一个人的表演或组织一个主要的小组讨论, 等.

THEA 460实习- 1-3学时(按需)

This course offers an intensive field experience with a community organization. 安排将根据学生的职业定位. Prerequisite: Department approval and satisfaction of any entry criteria where applicable. See Internships under Alternate Means to Academic Credit for a more detailed description.

THEA 485专题-可变学分(按需)

THEA 490独立学习-可变学分(按需)

独立学习包括研究, 阅读和/或其他学术调查或创造性工作. See Independent Study under Alternate Means to Academic Credit for a more detailed description or contact the departmental faculty.